Surface Conditioning Belts

The range of Surface Conditioning Belts we offer is an essential for any shop, its the fastest and easiest way to get a clean and consistent scratch pattern off the grinder.
These thick belts are extremely forgiving, you wont be ruining a piece if you bump it at a slightly wrong angle, and the spongey feel of the belt conform to slight convex's to allow the blending of different lines.

Coarse grit surface conditioning belt.

Medium grit surface conditioning belt.
The coarse belt is an aggressive belt that leaves a rougher satin finish, and is capable of blending 60 grit scratches.
The medium belt is an excellent all around belt, and leaves a nice satin finish, while still being able to blend more aggressive lines than the fine belt.
The fine belt is just how it sounds, it leave a superb satin finish on steel, or non-ferrous metals, and can be buffed into a glossier finish, or can cut some time out of your hand sanding.

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Surface Conditioning belts perform best at lower speeds. They work best with light to medium pressure.
You as the purchaser of the product are acknowledging the risks involved and accepting full responsibility for injury and damages related to its purchase and use. You are therefore releasing our company, employees and representatives from any and all liability related to its use.
Always wear eye protection when using abrasives and never grind without respiratory protection. The dust produced is extremely dangerous to inhale. Abrasive belts pose a risk of entrapment in machines so care should be taken to never touch a body part to a belt with power to the machine to save loosing a finger or cutting one off.